Office Hours

9am to 5pm (Mon-Fri)


1300 931 540



Welcome Pack

Easy Read - Mealtime

Easy Read Document

We will work with you to create an emergency plan.

We will make sure your meals are nutritious and have the right texture.

A Speech Therapist works with you to plan your mealtime needs – texture, thickness and other needs

The SpeechTherapist assesses your nutrition and swallowing to see if you need texture-modified food and fluids

Your risks may include positioning, swallowing, diabetes, anaphylaxis, food allergies and weight problems.

The Speech Therapist will create a plan that includes your swallowing, eating and drinking requirements

Trained staff will help you if you have trouble with coughing and choking.

Staff have access to your plan so they can see your needs.

Our team will assess any risks to keep you safe when eating

We will store your food safely and provide you with your proper meal.

Don’t worry.  If we see you having trouble, we will assist and respond to your changing needs.